How To Prevent Genetic & Chromosomal Disorders Through Gender Selection

Thanks to major advancements in IVF, parents who might have otherwise given up on the possibility can now have children. It’s granted hope and happiness to many, making the world a better place for families. Medical research today enables us to utilize gender selection for various purposes, including medical and personal ones, in addition to choosing the gender, as was the case with IVF in the past.
Your IVF experience may include gender selection as a key component. Gender selection is a prevalent topic in the family-building process, from eliminating hereditary illnesses to addressing family balancing. Continue reading to learn more about how this choice will help you and others on your path to parenting.
What is gender selection?
The sex of an embryo can be determined even at the embryonic stage because of advancements in assisted reproductive technologies. An embryo at this stage, sometimes referred to as the blastocyst stage, consists of about 100 cells. Gender selection determines the child’s genetic sex by screening the embryo(s) developed during an IVF cycle before being placed in the uterus.
Genetic testing is used to select gender. However, the amount of information obtained from testing can differ depending on the family-building objectives. For instance, one family might be interested in gender selection to balance their family, while another may be testing for a certain pre-existing genetic condition. In either case, deciding to participate in gender selection is quite personal and ultimately up to the parents.
The advantages and importance of gender selection
In recent years, gender selection has become more prevalent. Medical or personal considerations may influence the gender chosen. The reasons to think about gender selection while having IVF are discussed below.
Prevention of Diseases associated with gender
It is possible to prevent or lower the risk of developing some genetically specified diseases by gender selection. However, conditions can sometimes affect one gender more severely than the other.
Greater Potential for Success
In embryos, chromosomal abnormalities are frequently observed. Women above the age of 37 are more likely to have genetically bad eggs as they mature. The embryos can be screened with the PGT-A test for aberrant chromosome aneuploidy, which may be a significant factor in both failed implantation and subsequent losses.
More Options for Family Planning
Careful attention must go into choosing a gender. It’s a viable choice that can make families feel better equipped to raise their future children. In terms of starting a family, it allows parents greater freedom.
Family Balancing
Sometimes, deciding on a child’s gender might be personal; some families wish to make that decision. For example, to ensure a balanced family, a couple might choose the gender during IVF if they have always wanted a girl but have only had sons.
Why Choose Dr. Partha Das for expert consultation?
If you are looking for answers regarding gender selection, turn to Dr. Partha Das. With an extensive experience of 18 years in tertiary care centers dealing with complex gynecological, infertility, and genetic cases and family balancing in Dubai, Dr. Partha Das has helped many couples achieve parenthood. Hence, he can guide you through the path of Gender selection in Dubai.