IVF Success Story 3
Mask Group 2 1

Time is of essence in women with diminished ovarian reserve. Treatment either in form of IVF or ovulation induction helps in maximizing the chances and reducing the time to pregnancy, TTP. A personalized treatment approach that best suits the patient should be encouraged.

RR and AK aged 29 years and 32 years seeked consultation for secondary infertility. conceived immediately after her marriage but she had a miscarriage. She had been trying 4 years without success. On evaluation, she had very poor ovarian reserve and her anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) was 0.4 which was suggestive of diminished ovarian reserve. She underwent 1 cycle of IVF and she produced only 1 embryo which stopped growing on third day of embryo life and so embryo transfer was not done. She had a second cycle of ovarian stimulation but this time advised her ovulation induction with injection but converted to natural timed intercourse after ovulation. Low and behold her pregnancy test was positive and currently into her 5th month of pregnancy.

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dr partha das
Dr Partha Das

Dr Partha Das is a highly skilled fertility/IVF Physician specializing in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. Dr Partha consults and manages patients presenting with complex gynecological, male and female infertility issues and management of recurrent miscarriage and IVF failures.

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